여러분 안녕하세요!
¡Hola a todos!
Hello everyone!
Sin duda, una de las cafeterías que más me hacía ilusión visitar al planear mi viaje a Corea era Ryan Cafe (라이언 카페). Ryan es mi personaje favorito de la app KakaoTalk (카카오톡) y su popularidad es enorme. Lo puedes encontrar en infinidad de productos y servicios, desde dulces, comidas, bebidas, maquillaje, artículos de papelería y hasta ropa interior. Por esta razón es prácticamente imposible no ver su lindo rostro en tu viaje por Corea. Si al igual que yo eres fan de este lindo personaje o quieres apuntar a tu itinerario de viaje una cafetería temática, sigue leyendo.
Without a doubt, one of the coffee shops that I was most excited to visit when planning my trip to Korea was Ryan Cafe (라이언 카페). Ryan is my favorite character from the KakaoTalk app (카카오 톡) and his popularity is huge. You can find it in countless products and services, from sweets, foods, drinks, makeup, stationery and even underwear. For this reason it is practically impossible not to see his pretty face on your trip through Korea. If, like me, you are a fan of this cute character or want to add a themed coffee shop to your travel itinerary, keep reading.
La cafetería está ubicada en el famosísimo barrio de Hongdae (홍대) en el tercer piso de la tienda de Kakao Friends (카카오프렌즈), por lo cual es muy difícil salir con las manos vacías. La decoración del café me encantó, simple y moderna, con mesas de mármol, piso de madera y el predominante color azul cielo son una combinación magnífica. Igualmente cuenta con ventanas de piso a techo con vista a las ocupadas calles de Hongdae.
The coffee shop is located in the famous neighborhood of Hongdae (홍대) on the third floor of the Kakao Friends store (카카오 프렌즈), so it is very difficult to leave empty-handed. I loved the decoration of the cafe, simple and modern, with marble tables, wooden floor and the predominant sky blue color are a magnificent combination. It also has floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the busy streets of Hongdae.
El menú cuenta con bebidas frías y calientes, macarons, cupcakes y pasteles, todos inspirados y decorados con los personajes de Kakao Friends, especialmente Ryan y Apeach. Hice mi mejor esfuerzo para ordenar mi comida en coreano, pero supongo que el staff puede comprender inglés sin problemas. Te dan un pequeño botón que comenzará a vibrar cuando tu orden se encuentre lista, mientras tanto una lámpara de Ryan que adorna cada mesa te hará compañía.
The menu features hot and cold drinks, macarons, cupcakes and cakes, all inspired and decorated with the characters of Kakao Friends, especially Ryan and Apeach. I tried my best to order my food in Korean, but I guess the staff can understand English without problems. They give you a small button that will start to vibrate when your order is ready, meanwhile a Ryan lamp that adorns each table will keep you company.
Decidí ordenar el menú especial que consistía en Ryan Choux Cream Latte y Chocolate Mud Cake, el costo fue de $5,500 KRW y $7,000 KRW respectivamente (aproximadamente $4.5 y $5.8 USD). Este es un precio promedio para cafeterías temáticas y solo un poco más alto que en cafeterias comunes.
I decided to order the special menu consisting of Ryan Choux Cream Latte and Chocolate Mud Cake, the cost was $5,500 KRW and $7,000 KRW respectively (approximately $4.5 and $5.8 USD). This is an average price for themed coffee shops and only slightly higher than in common coffee shops.
Honestamente, pensaba que el sabor no sería nada espectacular, pero me sorprendió bastante. El pastel estaba delicioso y el latte tuvo un buen sabor (aunque no me considero fan del café, pero me encanta su aroma). Esas pequeñas decoraciones de Ryan que se pueden apreciar en el latte y el pastel son completamente comestibles porque están hechas de chocolate blanco, me pareció un muy lindo toque.
Honestly, I thought the taste would be nothing spectacular, but I was quite surprised. The cake was delicious and the latte had a good flavor (although I don't consider myself a fan of coffee, but I love its aroma). Those little Ryan decorations that can be seen in the latte and cake are completely edible because they are made of white chocolate, I thought it was a very nice touch.
Sé que algún día me compraré mi propia lámpara de Ryan y será el adorno de mi mesa de noche. Como siempre este leoncito haciéndome presa de la mercadotecnia, pero simplemente no puedo resistirme. Este adorable leoncito sin melena se ha robado mi corazón y sin duda también el de miles de personas más. Desde luego una cafetería temática imperdible en tu visita a Seúl.
I know that one day I will buy my own Ryan lamp and it will be the decoration of my bedside table. As always this little lion making me fall prey to marketing, but I just can't resist. This adorable lion without a mane has stolen my heart and certainly also thousands of other people. Of course a themed cafeteria that should not be missing during your visit to Seoul.
Esto ha sido todo por la entrada de hoy, espero pronto compartirles más sobre mis aventuras por Corea. Como siempre les deseo un muy bonito día.
This has been all for today's blog, I hope to share more about my adventures in Korea soon. As always I wish you a very beautiful day.
¿Ustedes también tienen alguna cafetería que les gustaría visitar en su viaje a Corea?
¿Cuál es su personaje favorito de Kakao Friends?
Do you also have a cafeteria that you would like to visit on your trip to Korea?
lunes, 17 de febrero de 2020 Seúl, Corea del Sur
여러분 안녕하세요!
¡Hola a todos!
Hello everyone!
Hoy les quiero contar mi experiencia sobre cómo logré estudiar el idioma coreano completamente gratis en Seúl.
Today I want to tell you my experience on how I managed to study the Korean language completely free in Seoul.
Mi plan original era simplemente ir de turista a Seúl por tres meses, tomarme las cosas tranquilamente y, claro está, disfrutar del tiempo junto a mi persona favorita. Sin embargo, se me presentó una oportunidad increíble para poder estudiar coreano gratis y no pude evitar tomarla. Antes de mi viaje ya habíamos considerado que estudiara coreano durante mi estancia, lamentablemente las clases son bastante costosas, tanto en Universidades como en academias privadas. Este era un gasto que no nos podíamos permitir por el momento, así que tuvimos que descartar esa idea.
My original plan was simply to go on a tourist trip to Seoul for three months, take it easy and, of course, enjoy the time with my favorite person. However, I was presented with an incredible opportunity to study Korean for free and I couldn't help taking it. Before my trip we had already considered that I studied Korean during my stay, unfortunately the classes are quite expensive, both in Universities and in private academies. This was an expense that we could not afford at the moment, so we had to discard that idea.
My original plan was simply to go on a tourist trip to Seoul for three months, take it easy and, of course, enjoy the time with my favorite person. However, I was presented with an incredible opportunity to study Korean for free and I couldn't help taking it. Before my trip we had already considered that I studied Korean during my stay, unfortunately the classes are quite expensive, both in Universities and in private academies. This was an expense that we could not afford at the moment, so we had to discard that idea.
Durante mi investigación sobre distintas Universidades y academias, me encontré también con diversos centros gubernamentales ubicados en Seúl. Estos se ocupan de brindar servicios y programas para abordar las necesidades y los problemas que enfrentan los residentes extranjeros mientras viven en Corea. Se denominan “Global Village Center” y en Seúl podemos encontrar 8 ubicaciones: Geumcheon, Ichon, Itaewon, Seongbuk, Seorae, Seoul, Yeoksam y Yeonnam.
During my research on different universities and academies, I also found several government centers located in Seoul. These are responsible for providing services and programs to address the needs and problems faced by foreign residents while living in Korea. They are called “Global Village Center” and in Seoul we can find 8 locations: Geumcheon, Ichon, Itaewon, Seongbuk, Seorae, Seoul, Yeoksam and Yeonnam.
Sin embargo, normalmente en estos centros solamente se aceptan a extranjeros con residencia permanente en Corea. Inclusive como requisito para el registro de las clases se pide presentar una identificación como pasaporte o alien registration card y se excluyen a extranjeros con visas de turistas (C-3). Razón por la cual consideré que esta opción no sería adecuada para mi.
However, normally in these centers only foreigners with permanent residence in Korea are accepted. Even as a requirement for class registration, it is requested to present an identification such as passport or alien registration card and foreigners with tourist visas (C-3) are excluded. Reason why I considered that this option would not be suitable for me.
During my research on different universities and academies, I also found several government centers located in Seoul. These are responsible for providing services and programs to address the needs and problems faced by foreign residents while living in Korea. They are called “Global Village Center” and in Seoul we can find 8 locations: Geumcheon, Ichon, Itaewon, Seongbuk, Seorae, Seoul, Yeoksam and Yeonnam.
Sin embargo, normalmente en estos centros solamente se aceptan a extranjeros con residencia permanente en Corea. Inclusive como requisito para el registro de las clases se pide presentar una identificación como pasaporte o alien registration card y se excluyen a extranjeros con visas de turistas (C-3). Razón por la cual consideré que esta opción no sería adecuada para mi.
However, normally in these centers only foreigners with permanent residence in Korea are accepted. Even as a requirement for class registration, it is requested to present an identification such as passport or alien registration card and foreigners with tourist visas (C-3) are excluded. Reason why I considered that this option would not be suitable for me.
Mientras me encontraba esperando que mi vuelo partiera de la Ciudad de México al aeropuerto de Incheon, vi una publicación que captó mi atención, era de la página de Facebook de Seorae Global Village Center, dónde anunciaban las inscripciones para sus clases de coreano. Como no tenía nada que perder, decidí leer la convocatoria y me llevé una gran sorpresa al ver que como requisito no pedían ser un residente permanente. En ese momento sentí un rayito de esperanza, aunque no quería hacerme muchas ilusiones, sabía que probablemente me solicitarian una identificación o el cupo estaría lleno, porque solo faltaban un par de días para el cierre de la convocatoria.
While I was waiting for my flight to depart from Mexico City to Incheon airport, I saw a post that caught my attention, it was from the Seorae Global Village Center Facebook page, where they announced the registration for their Korean classes. As I had nothing to lose, I decided to read the announcement and I was very surprised to see that as a requirement they did not ask to be a permanent resident. At that moment I felt a ray of hope, although I did not want to get my hopes up, I knew that they would probably ask me for an identification or the space would be full, because there were only a couple of days left before the closing of the announcement.
While I was waiting for my flight to depart from Mexico City to Incheon airport, I saw a post that caught my attention, it was from the Seorae Global Village Center Facebook page, where they announced the registration for their Korean classes. As I had nothing to lose, I decided to read the announcement and I was very surprised to see that as a requirement they did not ask to be a permanent resident. At that moment I felt a ray of hope, although I did not want to get my hopes up, I knew that they would probably ask me for an identification or the space would be full, because there were only a couple of days left before the closing of the announcement.
Una de las primeras cosas que hice al llegar a Seúl fue llenar el formulario de inscripción y enviar un correo electrónico solicitando mi admisión. Dos días después recibí un correo por parte del centro, en donde con gusto confirmaban mi inscripción al curso, incluso se me informó que mi lugar era el último asiento que les quedaba para la clase de principiantes.
One of the first things I did when I arrived in Seoul was to fill out the registration form and send an email requesting my admission. Two days later I received an email from the center, where they gladly confirmed my enrollment in the course, I was even informed that my place was the last seat they had left for the beginners class.
One of the first things I did when I arrived in Seoul was to fill out the registration form and send an email requesting my admission. Two days later I received an email from the center, where they gladly confirmed my enrollment in the course, I was even informed that my place was the last seat they had left for the beginners class.
¡Y así fue como comencé mis clases de coreano en Seúl!
And that's how I started my Korean classes in Seoul!
Mis clases eran solamente los martes y jueves de 10:30 AM a 12:00 PM. Aún así, en el transcurso de 11 semanas, logré aprender mucho de los básicos del idioma, desde aprender a leer y escribir hangul hasta saber leer la hora en coreano. En realidad es un curso muy ligero y tranquilo, nada comparado con las clases intensivas que se dan en las Universidades. No obstante, fue de muchísima utilidad para hacer de mi estancia en Corea más placentera.
My classes were only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Even so, over the course of 11 weeks, I learned a lot about the basics of the language, from learning to read and writing Hangul to knowing how to read the time in Korean. Actually it is a very light and relaxed course, nothing compared to the intensive classes that are given in the Universities. However, it was very useful to help make my stay in Korea more pleasant.
My classes were only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Even so, over the course of 11 weeks, I learned a lot about the basics of the language, from learning to read and writing Hangul to knowing how to read the time in Korean. Actually it is a very light and relaxed course, nothing compared to the intensive classes that are given in the Universities. However, it was very useful to help make my stay in Korea more pleasant.
Seorae Global Village Center está ubicado en la comunidad francesa de Seúl, por lo cual tienen mayor contacto con extranjeros franceses. Tienen librerías llenas de películas en francés y los encargados igualmente pueden comunicarse en ese idioma. Razón por la cual la mitad de mi salón de clases era originario de Francia o sabían hablar francés. Entablé una muy buena relación con mis compañeros e igualmente con mi maestra, que es un amor de persona, siempre dandonos consejos super útiles o datos curiosos sobre la vida diaria en Corea.
Seorae Global Village Center is located in the French community of Seoul, so they have greater contact with French foreigners. They have libraries full of films in French and those in charge can also communicate in that language. Reason why half of my classroom was originally from France or knew how to speak French. I established a very good relationship with my classmates and also with my teacher, who is a lovable person, always giving us super useful advice or curious facts about daily life in Korea.
Seorae Global Village Center is located in the French community of Seoul, so they have greater contact with French foreigners. They have libraries full of films in French and those in charge can also communicate in that language. Reason why half of my classroom was originally from France or knew how to speak French. I established a very good relationship with my classmates and also with my teacher, who is a lovable person, always giving us super useful advice or curious facts about daily life in Korea.
Trasladarme desde nuestro departamento tomaba aproximadamente una hora con 15 minutos. Me quedaba un poco retirado, pero el metro cruzaba el río Han, no podía evitar quedarme viéndolo anonadada y eso hacía que el largo camino valiera absolutamente la pena. Desde la estación de Express Bus Terminal (고속터미널) tenía que caminar cerca de 20 minutos para llegar a mi salon de clases, pero estaba fascinada con los paisajes cotidianos de Seúl. Toda mi vida he vivido en el caluroso desierto, así que por primera vez experimenté lo que fue un otoño e invierno de verdad. Yo estaba fascinada viendo como las hojas de los árboles cambiaban paulatinamente de color y posteriormente comenzaban a caerse.
Moving from our apartment took about an hour and 15 minutes. I was a little far away, but the subway crossed the Han River and I couldn't help but look stunned and that made the long road absolutely worth it. From the Express Bus Terminal (고속 터미널) station I had to walk about 20 minutes to get to my classroom, but I was fascinated with the everyday landscapes of Seoul. All my life I have lived in the hot desert, so for the first time I experienced what a real autumn and winter was like. I was fascinated watching the leaves of the trees change color gradually and then began to fall.
Moving from our apartment took about an hour and 15 minutes. I was a little far away, but the subway crossed the Han River and I couldn't help but look stunned and that made the long road absolutely worth it. From the Express Bus Terminal (고속 터미널) station I had to walk about 20 minutes to get to my classroom, but I was fascinated with the everyday landscapes of Seoul. All my life I have lived in the hot desert, so for the first time I experienced what a real autumn and winter was like. I was fascinated watching the leaves of the trees change color gradually and then began to fall.
Debo aclarar que mi caso es especial y que tuve mucha suerte al poder llevar clases de coreano gratis. Si hubiese tenido la solvencia económica suficiente para pagar los cursos en una Universidad o si mi vuelo no se hubiese retrasado por aproximadamente 2 horas, probablemente jamás hubiese visto el anuncio de la convocatoria y además tener la fortuna de ser aceptada. Quizá mi caso no sea de gran ayuda para otros turistas que igualmente desean estudiar coreano, pero probablemente pueda ser de ayuda para extranjeros residentes en Corea que desconozcan de la existencia de estos centros gubernamentales.
I must clarify that my case is special and that I was very lucky to be able to take free Korean classes. If I had enough financial solvency to pay for courses at a University or if my flight had not been delayed for approximately 2 hours, I would probably have never seen the announcement and also have the fortune to be accepted. My case may not be of great help to other tourists who also want to study Korean, but it can probably be of help to foreigners residing in Korea who are unaware of the existence of these government centers.
Esto es todo por la entrada de hoy, como siempre espero que se encuentren muy bien y les deseo un bonito día.
This is all for today's blog post, as always I hope you are very well and I wish you a nice day.
여러분 안녕하세요!
¡Hola a todos!
Hello everyone!
Hoy les voy a contar sobre mis primeros días en Seúl, Corea del Sur.
Today I will tell you about my adventures in my early days in Seoul, South Korea.
Today I will tell you about my adventures in my early days in Seoul, South Korea.
Como comenté en mi entrada anterior, mi novio estaba esperando por mí en el aeropuerto de Incheon. Fue una espera muy larga, exactamente 410 días (¡más de un año!) desde la última vez que nos habíamos visto en persona. Ambos estábamos muy emocionados, así como nerviosos, por vernos nuevamente. Tan sólo puedo decir que cada minuto de espera valió completa y absolutamente la pena cuando finalmente pude estar entre sus brazos.
As I mentioned in my previous blog post, my boyfriend was waiting for me at the Incheon airport. It was a very long wait, exactly 410 days (over a year!) since the last time we had met in person. We were both very excited, as well as nervous, to see each other again. I can only say that every minute of waiting was completely and absolutely worth it when I could finally be in his arms.

Bosque de Seúl (서울숲) - Seúl, Corea del Sur
Me encontraba en completo estado de shock, no podía creer aún lo que mis ojos veían, el aeropuerto es sumamente hermoso, con un estilo bastante pulcro y moderno. Estaba tan anonadada que olvidé por completo tomar fotos. Desafortunadamente estuvimos muy poco tiempo en el aeropuerto, ya que teníamos que tomar un autobús hacia Seúl lo antes posible. Mi novio estaba sumamente cansado, puesto que había madrugado para poder recogerme, inclusive pasó la noche en Incheon para llegar a tiempo por mi al aeropuerto. Por esta razón durmió un poco en el autobús, mientras que yo admiraba cada paisaje que se asomaba a través de la ventana.
I was in a complete state of shock, I couldn't believe my eyes yet, the airport is extremely beautiful, with a pretty neat and modern style. I was so stunned that I completely forgot to take photos. Unfortunately we were very shortly at the airport, since we had to take a bus to Seoul as soon as possible. My boyfriend was extremely tired, since he had woken up very early to pick me up, he even spent the night in Incheon to arrive on time to the airport. For this reason he slept a little on the bus, while I admired every landscape that peeked through the window.
Estaba fascinada cuando el autobús comenzó a acercarse a Seúl, ver por primera vez el río Han (한강) se sintió como un sueño. La vista de los edificios altos desde lejos es simplemente espectacular. Poco a poco comenzamos a adentrarnos a la ciudad y yo seguía con la boca abierta con cada panorama. Fue prácticamente un mini tour de Seúl.
I was fascinated when the bus started approaching Seoul, seeing the Han River (한강) for the first time felt like a dream. The view of the tall buildings from afar is simply spectacular. Little by little we began to enter the city and I continued with my mouth open with each panorama. It was practically a mini tour of Seoul.
Río Han (한강) - Seúl, Corea del Sur
Llegamos a la estación de Cheongnyangni (청량리역), y pensaba que tomaríamos el metro u otro autobús para llegar al departamento, pero mi novio me comentó que caminariamos ya que estaba cerca. Fue así como terminamos caminando casi 2 kilómetros cuesta arriba con una maleta de casi 23 kg y una mochila de 10 kg. A partir de ese momento jamás volví a creer en mi novio cuando me decía que un lugar quedaba relativamente cerca.
We arrived at Cheongnyangni station (청량리 역), and I thought we would take the subway or another bus to get to the apartment, but my boyfriend told me that we would walk since it was close. This is how we ended up walking almost 2 kilometers uphill with a suitcase of almost 23 kg and a backpack of 10 kg. From that moment I never believed in my boyfriend when he told me that a place was relatively close.
Estación de Cheongnyani (청량리역) - Seúl, Corea del Sur
Lamentablemente, debido a que mi vuelo se retrasó y llegué más tarde de lo esperado, tuvimos poco tiempo para convivir antes de que él tuviera que regresar al trabajo, porque solamente le habían dado medio día libre. Mientras tanto, comencé a desempacar mi maleta y acomodar mis cosas en nuestro departamento. Llamé a mis padres, que en ese momento estaban de paseo en la Ciudad de México, para avisarles que me encontraba bien. Después de eso tomé una pequeña siesta, puesto que estaba un poco cansada al haber tenido problemas para conciliar el sueño en el avión.
Because my flight was delayed and I arrived later than expected, unfortunately we had little time to be together before he had to return to work, because he had only been given half a day off. Meanwhile, I started unpacking my suitcase and organizing my things in our department. I called my parents, who at that time were on a mini vacation in Mexico City, to let them know that I was fine. After that I took a little nap, since I was a little tired having had trouble falling asleep on the plane.
Cuando mi novio regresó del trabajo pudimos platicar un poco más y darnos ese fuerte y largo abrazo que la distancia nos había impedido por tanto tiempo. Comencé a darle todos y cada uno de los regalos, dulces, snacks y demás detalles que le había traído desde México, que ocupaban la mitad de mi maleta. Así fue como las horas pasaron sin que nos diéramos cuenta y llegó la hora de dormir.
When my boyfriend returned from work we could talk a little more and give us that strong and long hug that distance had prevented us for so long. I began to give each and every one of the gifts, sweets, snacks and other details that I had brought from Mexico, which occupied half of my suitcase. That was how the hours passed without us noticing and it was time to sleep.
Las hojas de los árboles estaban comenzando a cambiar de color
Al día siguiente nos levantamos muy temprano, desayunamos y nos alistamos para salir de compras. Caminamos de nuevo a la estación de Cheongnyangni, pero esta vez sin tener que cargar maletas. Fue un paseo bastante relajante donde pude contemplar lindos paisajes en las calles de Seúl. Nuestro destino fue Lotte Department Store, para comprar algunas cosas esenciales para mi estadía y que por cuestión de espacio no había podido traer desde México. Almorzamos una deliciosa pasta con tteokboki (떡볶이) y un mini kimbap (김밥) de camarones empanizados. Después de pasear un poco por el centro comercial, decidimos regresar al departamento.
The next day we get up very early, have breakfast and get ready to go shopping. We walked back to Cheongnyangni station, but this time without having to carry luggage. It was a pretty relaxing walk where I could see beautiful landscapes in the streets of Seoul. Our destination was Lotte Department Store, to buy some essential things for my stay and that because of space I could not bring from Mexico. We had a delicious pasta with tteokboki (떡볶이) and a mini shrimp kimbap (김밥). After a little stroll through the mall, we decided to return to the apartment.
Terminamos ese día dando un pequeño paseo nocturno por la Universidad de Kyunghee (경희대학교) mientras bebíamos un delicioso té de burbujas. La universidad es sumamente hermosa, con una arquitectura espectacular. Después espero compartirles un mini tour de la universidad en otra entrada.
We ended that day by taking a small night walk through Kyunghee University (경희대 학교) while drinking a delicious bubble tea. The university is extremely beautiful, with spectacular architecture. I hope to share a mini tour of the university in a blog post.
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Máquina expendedora de ramos de flores secas - Universidad de Kyunghee |
En definitiva, jamás olvidaré mis primeros días en Seúl junto a mi persona favorita.
Esto ha sido todo por la entrada de hoy, espero que les haya gustado.
¿Ustedes también sueñan con visitar alguna ciudad?
Como siempre, les deseo un muy bonito día.
I will definitely never forget my first days in Seoul with my favorite person.
This has been all for today's post, I hope you liked it.
Do you also dream of visiting a city?
As always, I wish you a very good day.
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