여러분 안녕하세요!
¡Hola a todos!
Hello everyone!
Una de mis primeras interacciones y acercamientos con Corea del Sur fue a través de su cosmética, denominada kbeauty. Yo era una chica que no solía maquillarse ni cuidarse la piel, a pesar de vivir en una de las ciudades más calurosas del mundo, ahora no puedo salir de mi casa si antes no me aplico protector solar.
One of my first interactions and approaches with South Korea was through its cosmetics, affectionately named kbeauty. I used to be a girl who didn't use makeup or skin care, despite living in one of the hottest cities in the world, now I can't leave my house if I don't apply sunscreen before.
One of my first interactions and approaches with South Korea was through its cosmetics, affectionately named kbeauty. I used to be a girl who didn't use makeup or skin care, despite living in one of the hottest cities in the world, now I can't leave my house if I don't apply sunscreen before.
The first time I was in Myeongdong (명동) everything felt so unreal, I really couldn't believe I was there, I was in that place that I had wanted to visit for more than 7 years. That's why it was no surprise to me that in each store I was amazed and the hours flew by. Finally I had the products in front of me, being able to use their testers and buy them at the moment without having to wait more than two months to receive them by mail.
Una de las primeras marcas de las que me enamoré fue ETUDE HOUSE (에뛰드하우스), por influencia de la banda de kpop SHINee (샤이니), sus empaques y colecciones siempre llamaban mi atención y me cautivaban. Soñaba con visitar alguna de sus sucursales, probar sus productos en persona y comprar todos los productos de mi wishlist. Aunque el impacto que genera la marca en mi ya no es el mismo de antes, aún así sentí que mi adolescente interior estaba super feliz paseando por la tienda.
One of the first brands I fell in love with was ETUDE HOUSE (에뛰드 하우스), influenced by the kpop band SHINee (샤이니), their packaging and collections always caught my attention and captivated me. I dreamed of visiting one of their branches, testing their products in person and buying all the products in my wishlist. Although the impact generated by the brand on me is no longer the same as before, I still felt that my inner teenager was super happy walking around the store.
One of the first brands I fell in love with was ETUDE HOUSE (에뛰드 하우스), influenced by the kpop band SHINee (샤이니), their packaging and collections always caught my attention and captivated me. I dreamed of visiting one of their branches, testing their products in person and buying all the products in my wishlist. Although the impact generated by the brand on me is no longer the same as before, I still felt that my inner teenager was super happy walking around the store.
ARTBOX (아트박스) fue una de mis tiendas favoritas en Corea, mucho más que Daiso. La sucursal de Myeongdong cuenta con tres pisos y fácilmente podía estar ahí dentro más de una hora viendo todos sus productos.
ARTBOX (아트 박스) was one of my favorite stores in Korea, much more than Daiso. The Myeongdong branch has three floors and I could easily be there within an hour watching all the products.
COSRX (코스알엑스) es, sin duda, una de mis marcas de cuidado de la piel favoritas y fue asombroso encontrar sus productos en la tienda de Aland (inclusive algunos ya están disponibles en Olive Young).
COSRX (코스 알 엑스) is, without a doubt, one of my favorite skin care brands and it was amazing to find their products in the Aland store (some are available at Olive Young).
COSRX (코스 알 엑스) is, without a doubt, one of my favorite skin care brands and it was amazing to find their products in the Aland store (some are available at Olive Young).
La fachada del famoso Pink Hotel de STYLENANDA (스타일난다). Han ejecutado la temática de hotel de manera fantástica. Les daré un tour de la tienda en otra entrada del blog.
The facade of the famous Pink Hotel of STYLENANDA (스타일 난다). They have executed the thematic of hotel in a fantastic way. I will give you a tour of the store at another blog post.
The facade of the famous Pink Hotel of STYLENANDA (스타일 난다). They have executed the thematic of hotel in a fantastic way. I will give you a tour of the store at another blog post.
Gracias a que Myeongdong es un lugar muy turístico y que miles de personas lo visitan diariamente, muchos de los empleados de las tiendas pueden comunicarse en varios idiomas, siendo los más comunes el inglés, japonés y chino.
Because Myeongdong is a very touristy place and thousands of people visit it daily, many of the store employees can communicate in several languages, English, Japanese and Chinese being the most common.
Because Myeongdong is a very touristy place and thousands of people visit it daily, many of the store employees can communicate in several languages, English, Japanese and Chinese being the most common.
Lamentablemente me quede con las ganas de visitar Café de París, al ir sola consideré que sería demasiado dulce y mucha comida únicamente para mi. Para la próxima probaré su famoso Strawberry BonBon (딸기 봉봉) y su pastel arcoiris.
Unfortunately I did not visit Café de Paris, as I was going alone I thought it would be too sweet and a lot of food just for me. Next time I will try their famous Strawberry BonBon (딸기 봉봉) and his rainbow cake.

El Innisfree Green Cafe (이니스프리 그린카페) es otro de los lugares imperdibles en tu visita por las calles de Myeongdong. Igualmente le dedicaré una entrada del blog exclusiva, pero les puedo adelantar que me encantó.
The Innisfree Green Cafe (이니스프리 그린 카페), another of the must-see places in your visit to the streets of Myeongdong. I will also dedicate an exclusive blog post, but I can tell you that I loved it.
Tip: Si como yo eres amante de la cosmética coreana y quieres recorrer Myeongdong con relativa tranquilidad, te recomiendo ir lo más temprano posible y de preferencia entre semana. Así evitaras los tumultos de personas y podrás curiosear las tiendas más libremente.
Tip: If, like me, you are a lover of Korean cosmetics and want to explore Myeongdong with relative tranquility, I recommend you go as early as possible and preferably during the week. This way you will avoid the tumults of people and you can browse the stores more freely.
Sin embargo, Myeongdong no solamente es popular debido a la gran cantidad de tiendas de cosmética, sino también por la comida callejera. Una visita a Myeongdong no está completa sin antes probar algún platillo de los puestos ambulantes. Te encuentras desde churros de Oreo, papas tornado, pan de huevo, hasta langosta con queso. Si bien, los precios de dicha comida son un poco más elevados que en otros sitios de Seúl, la recomiendo ampliamente.
However, Myeongdong is not only popular due to the large number of cosmetic stores, but also for street food. A visit to Myeongdong is not complete without first trying out some of the street stalls. You find everything from Oreo churros, tornado potatoes, egg bread, to lobster with cheese. While the prices of such food are a bit higher than elsewhere in Seoul, I highly recommend it.
Este panecito con huevo ha sido uno de los mejores que he probado, simplemente estaba buenisimo.
This little bread with egg has been one of the best I've had, it tasted great.
Esta nieve con miel de abeja fue toda una experiencia, estaba deliciosa, es otro de los snack que volvería a comprar.
This ice cream with honey was a whole experience, it was delicious, it is another snack I would buy again.
Lamentablemente, durante mi estadía de tres meses en Seúl, tan solo visité Myeongdong 3 veces y en una de esas ocasiones fue solo de noche para probar la comida callejera. Por este motivo no pude tomar tantas fotos como hubiese deseado, espero corregir esto cuando regrese a Corea.
Unfortunately, during my three-month stay in Seoul, I only visited Myeongdong 3 times and on one of those occasions it was only at night to try street food. For this reason I could not take as many photos as I would have liked, I hope to correct this when I return to Korea.
Unfortunately, during my three-month stay in Seoul, I only visited Myeongdong 3 times and on one of those occasions it was only at night to try street food. For this reason I could not take as many photos as I would have liked, I hope to correct this when I return to Korea.
Me hicieron falta capturar varios lugares característicos de Myeongdong, como el lindo letrero de la tienda de Banila co. con la frase “hello beautiful!”, así como la tienda de Nature Republic con la pared tapizada de hojas, más fotos de los puestos ambulantes y más tiendas de cosmética. Hay tanto por ver y tanto con qué distraerse, que me fue casi imposible concentrarme en tomar fotos.
I missed capturing several characteristic places of Myeongdong, such as the cute sign from the Banila co. store with the phrase "hello beautiful!", as well as the Nature Republic store with the wall full of leaves, more photos of the stalls and more cosmetics stores. There is so much to see and so much to be distracted that it was almost impossible for me to concentrate on taking photos.
I missed capturing several characteristic places of Myeongdong, such as the cute sign from the Banila co. store with the phrase "hello beautiful!", as well as the Nature Republic store with the wall full of leaves, more photos of the stalls and more cosmetics stores. There is so much to see and so much to be distracted that it was almost impossible for me to concentrate on taking photos.
Y estas fueron las pequeñas aventuras de una chica mexicana amante del KBeauty por las calles de Myeongdong. Honestamente la pasé muy bien durante mis visitas, aunque mi billetera sufriera muchísimo en cada ocasión. Espero que se encuentren muy bien y les deseo un bonito día.
And these were the little adventures of a Mexican girl who loves KBeauty through the streets of Myeongdong. I honestly had a great time during my visits, although my wallet suffered a lot on every occasion. I hope you are very well and wish you a nice day.
¿Ustedes también son fan de la cosmetica coreana/KBeauty?
¿Qué es lo que más les gustaria visitar en Myeongdong?
Are you also a fan of Korean cosmetics/KBeauty?
What would you most like to visit in Myeongdong?
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